The dictionaries on this website are not your typical dictionaries that you would find at your nearest bookstore. We have catered these dictionaries to the Biblical message we teach in this ministry/website. In other words, these dictionaries are not complete in the sense that we have omitted many words that are not relevant to this website/message. Most of the of the definitions in these dictionaries are not exhaustive but basic, and this goes for the concordances for the Greek/Hebrew dictionaries.
Works Cited For Dictionary Cochrane, J. : Dictionnaire Grec – Francais Greek Texts: Majority, Received, Textus Receptus McReynolds : Word Study Greek English N.T. Pigeon, R. Dictionnaire du N.T. Robinson, M./ House, M. : Analytical Lexicon of N.T. Greek Strong, J. : The new Strongs Complete dictionary of Bible Words Wigram, G. : The Englishman’s Greek Concord. Of the N.T. Zodhiates, S. : The Complete Word Study Dict. N.T.